The 6 Things You Need To Know For March 25, 2019

  1. Thanks For The Vote of Confidence!: Well this certainly won’t help keep the faith when it comes to running with a purpose. While the article make some valid points about apps on your phone sorta-kinda ruining the “essence” of running, the absolute haymaker comes when they declare; “A belief forms: I have to keep running or I’ll be a worthless nobody.” Mmmm, kay.
  2. Youth Football Helmets Are Actually Good!: What?!? Something positive about youth football and injury prevention? *looks around for the Feds to bust through the door* Say it ain’t so! Oh, but it IS so. As always, USA Today High School Sports is on top of it with a study from Virginia Tech regarding the effectiveness of the most important part of your body being properly protected.
  3. JWJr = WWE?: With our deepest apologies to the Math Police, this isn’t some sort of mockery of an impossible word problem on the SAT. This is merely a valid question after reading that James Wilder Jr. has been invited to a WWE tryout based on his athletic accomplishments and background (per the Save the Date he posted on his Twitter account.) This is all kinds of awesome after he’s become one of the CFL’s brightest stars in Canada’s premier city east of the Rockies (since Vancouver exists and it’s all kinds of awesome as well.) With Tampa’s lineage in the wrestling business being well-documented, and JWJr’s charismatic and easily marketable brand in not one, but TWO different countries already, this should be a no-brainer for the WWE. We wish him all the luck in the world and to crush it!
  4. We Already Know What Time It Is: This is what Twitter is actually for, folks. Between this and the next item on the agenda today, keep hope alive for the creativity and next generation of talent in the industry! This needs no further explanation than to read the caption on the tweet. Sound on. You’re welcome.

5. You Thought This Was Just for College?: Nah, the Lakers can get these jokes, too. This comes courtesy of Rob Perez, Senior NBA Producer for The Action Network and formerly of ESPN, aka WorldWideWob on Twitter. Rex Chapman was one of the first ones to put it out there since you won’t find it on Perez’s account. Sound on. You’re welcome.

6. That Raider There: Zamir Knighten, Plant City High School, 2020, RB