Tarpon Springs’ Austin Ordner has dreams come true on senior night

TARPON SPRINGS — Austin Ordner’s senior night at Tarpon Springs High was four years in the making.

The first three years on the team, Austin served as the manager. But this season, Austin earned some playing time – at first base, right field and even a stint on the mound as a pitcher.

Wednesday night marked a first for Austin – his first time in the starting lineup.

Cerebral palsy causes Austin to walk with a limp and limits the use of his right arm and hand. He bats with just his left arm.

But he doesn’t want to be pitied. He wants to be just like one of the guys.

 “I treat him like everyone else,’’ Tarpon Springs coach Dickie Hart said. “You’re wearing a number like everyone else. To me, I think he responds to that too. He doesn’t want to be treated differently and he shouldn’t.’’