Sickles win 1st Football District Championship Gryphons (8-1, 5-0) grabbed a 28-0 lead one minute into the 2nd Quarter and never looked by in their 35-8 win over Tampa Bay Tech to capture the Class […]
PLANT CITY Tavares Chase, Plant City 2016 ATH vs Tampa Bay Tech 2013 Markese Hargrove, Plant City 2016 ATH vs Tampa Bay Tech Landon Galloway, Plant City 2014 QB vs Tampa Bay Tech 2013 John […]
Homecoming was not so festive to the Plant City football team last night. The home Raiders fell victim to turnovers once again in a great battle between two class 7A powers. The Tampa Bay Tech […]
LAKE WALES Taking a shot this year. The 2012 numbers don’t support the selection, but the offensive unit as a whole will provide a better explanation. Why is Lake Wales the number 1 offensive backfield […]
The month of May has come and gone. With it, came the flurry of college football coaches scouting area prospects. They hit a ton of schools in the time they spent in the area. Pounding […]