
D2 going 16 core in 2013

Effective August 1, 2013,  Division II will require 16 core courses (similar to NCAA Division I) to be academiclly eligible to participate in athletics.  This is a big change that will effect a large number of student athletes.  Currently, the NCAA requires completion of 14 core courses.  But the change will effect:

•3 additional years of English, math, or natural or physical science instead of 2
•4 years of additional core courses (from any category above, or foreign language, nondoctrinal religion or philosophy) instead of 3

Division 1 Academic Requirements

Division II Academic Requirements

Division II Qualifier

Being a qualifier entitles you to:
•Practice or compete for your college or university during your first year of college;
•Receive an athletics scholarship during your first year of college; and
•Play four seasons in your sport if you maintain your eligibility from year to year.

There is no sliding scale in Division II.