There’s still quite a bit of time for us to reminisce about the season that just wrapped up two weeks ago. Reminisce, we shall, for these final days of 2016, and for a little while […]
The list of coaches who have graced the sidelines in the BCP coverage area is a mile long. Tons have blown whistles, called plays, celebrated wins and agonized over loses. Some coaches are in the […]
A Numerical Look at Tampa Bay High School Football Teams’ Head Coaches Don Haggard, BCP Contributor Listed below are the head coaches at the 72 high school football teams in Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas counties […]
It’s of no surprise to me that one of the classiest and most professional programs I’ve ever witnessed at the prep level managed to coordinate, host and execute the closest thing you can get to […]
Breaking down the elite eight for ‘Coach of the year’ Jeff Odom – Big County Preps Correspondent Over the course of the 2011 high school football season, many head coaches around the Tampa Bay area […]
Berkeley Prep coach Dominick Ciao capped off the Bucs most storied season with an honor from his peers. Ciao was named the National Football Foundation’s Billy Turner Coach of the Year during a ceremony at […]