Sign of the times; the Oakland Raiders have a “different” approach in 2015

One of the NFL’s most-hated and feared franchise’ are worried there isn’t enough positivity in their world. In yet another “Welcome to 2015” moment, Head Coach Jack Del Rio has commandeered the help of a “mindset coach” to take care of the emotional and mental stress off the field that has accompanied their virtual tailspin into irrelevancy on the field since their Super Bowl appearance against the Bucs.

All sarcasm aside, this might actually be a good thing when you read the details contained within USA Today’s article below in which Del Rio seeks to address a very modern problem when dealing with younger players. Just recently, a projected starter at FAU left the program overnight citing the constant bombardment of negativity he received from his coaches as wearing him thin enough to stop caring about the game.

At the end of the day, this may be a problem that isn’t just confined to ‘younger’ players, either. To true competitors, no amount of money is equivalent to the physical and mental abuse taken in a loss so the older fellas may have a few things to learn from this complete overhaul of “the program” that the Raiders have embraced as well. This is also a very real issue in the high school level for players and coaches alike, especially when you factor in what coaches must do in classroom before even hitting the practice fields.

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