Football P.A. Announcers’ Clinic

The Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) has partnered with the National Association of Sports Public Address Announcers (NASPAA) to provide a football P.A. announcers’ clinic on Saturday, August 20 from 1 – 4 p.m. The clinic will conducted at Barry University. Football public address announcers and those who want to learn more about announcing football, including students, may attend this summer’s clinic. The registration fee is $65 for adults and $35 for students.

The clinician is Jay Rokeach, football P.A. announcer for the University of Miami Hurricanes.

Rokeach will share his experience with clinic attendees to help them become better P.A. announcers. Topics covered at the clinic include: the important role of the P.A. announcer; emergency situations; scriptwriting; game announcements, including pre- and post-game; P.A. announcing do’s and don’ts; how P.A. announcers and football officials can better work together; and NASPAA and FHSAA P.A. announcing expectations.

“The NASPAA is excited about having the opportunity to partner with the FHSAA to conduct this clinic,” commented Brad Rumble, NASPAA Executive Director. “Because P.A. announcers play such an important role in helping administer athletic contests, it is important for them to receive training and education that will help them be the best that they can be.”

Rokeach began his career at Miami as a freshman in the fall of 1969 when Head Baseball Coach Ron Fraser selected him to announce Hurricane baseball. Over his years at UM, Rokeach’s booming voice has stretched beyond the reaches of Mark Light Field. He is often imitated but never duplicated.

“Jayro,” as he is known to fans, players and friends, has also been the public address announcer for Hurricane football games since 1990 and men’s and women’s basketball games since 1988. Rokeach was the voice of Dolphin Stadium when the Florida Marlins claimed the World Series Championship in 1997.