Darquez Watson, Lakewood 2014 WR

Early edition: Recruiting Mailbag, why waste your time?


Will: What can you do if you’re an underrated player and want some offers? Visit the schools?

BCP: Because you want offers does not mean you are guaranteed to receive them. About 6.4 percent, or approximately one in 16, of all high school senior boys playing interscholastic football will go on to play football at a NCAA member institution. – NCAA.org

There are lots of fish is a small pool who college coaches are evaluating. You have to be realistic with your ability and attend showcases, camps and self promote to colleges.

You can visit the school on your own dollar. But, unless schools are aware of you and your skill, you will not likely stand out.

Tyrell Reed: What do have to do to get my name out to recruiters from colleges?

BCP: Same answer as above: There are lots of fish is a small pool who college coaches are evaluating. You have to be realistic with your ability and attend showcases, college camps and self promote to colleges.

Johnny: Why do you waste time interviewing and promoting high school players that are not even eligible to play for their school? If their overall GPA is not a 2.0, their core is certainly not enough to qualify for a scholarship.

BCP: We don’t investigate a players academic situation. We leave that to the college coaches to do their homework and high school coaches to communicate that with college coaches.

To answer the initial question, we promote on athletic ability and evaluation to play college football or basketball. Rarely do we know a kid’s academic situation.