A taste of what is to come for Bay Area prospects.

A taste of what is to come for Bay Area prospects.

Over the next coming weeks, BCP and SunshinePreps will be introducing a new online video editor that will be designed to allow players to expose their skills on Big County Preps and to also make sure they are in front of the right college coaches on the SunshinePreps network.

I have personally seen this editor in action and have cut a game film in under 5 minutes! Bay area coaches have also tested out the system already and have also put together film in under 5 minutes.

What this means is any player in the Bay Area can now be featured on the website by taking 5 minutes to put together a game highlight! Want your full season featured? In just under 1 hour, you can have your film complete and posted on BCP and SunshinePreps!

Below is an example of 3 big time talents whose file was cut from the online editor. These are 3 South Florida prospects but the good news is our efforts will begin starting now in the Bay area and will continue all the way up until Spring!

Our goal is to feature any and every kid who wants coverage. This SunshinePrep’s recruiting tool is free to Bay area coaches and one that will be key in delivering thousands of dollars back to the area schools.

Please contact Derek Williams on his cell to get your team page set up if you are an area coach. Derek’s cell is 813-340-0971 and his email is